
Design of a Retainable Keratoprosthesis: History, Design, and Evaluation in Cats by John C. Barber, MD
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Dr. Barber gives a comprehensive review of previous keratoprostheses with their good and bad characteristics. From the results of this review, he designs a new prosthesis that incorporates the elements that have been shown to enhance the visual results and retention qualities of keratoprostheses. This prosthesis was tested in cat corneas and the dramatic results are reported.
This is a scientific book to record the results of my research to benefit future work in this field. At the present time, no corporation is willing to take on this project, because of the limited number of cases each year neading a keratoprosthesis. The cost of getting a device aproved by the FDA makes this redesign not cost effective.
The Joy of Medical Practice: Forty Years of Interesting Patients
by John C. Barber, MD
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From the day that Dr. Barber went into the wards as a junior medical student until the day he retired more than forty years later, he was involved in medical care, serving his patients to the utmost of his ability. As an ophthalmologist, he rarely dealt with life-threatening disorders, but he was able to save and restore vision. He also witnessed firsthand the impact of visual loss on people, many of whom could not have their vision saved. His greatest joy was that of patient care. Meeting people and being able to help them overcome a disease was always very important. He loves to tell the stories of his favorite patients and how they influenced him. They include:
- A nun who could not wear black;
- A baby with a congenital orbital teratoma;
- A lady who always sat in the dark;
And many more interesting characters! Discover or rediscover the joys of pursuing a career in medicine, or, if you are a patient, find others who are going through the same problems you might be suffering from in The Joy of Medical Practice.

Hey Doc! What is Wrong with My Eye: A General Guide to Eye Problems by John C Barber, MD
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Are you seeing fireworks or lightning flashes? Having double vision? Feeling sudden pain in the eye? What does it mean? Does laser surgery let you see without glasses? What is a lazy eye and can it be treated? Is there treatment for macular degeneration? What happens during eye surgery for cataracts, retinal detachment, corneal transplant or crossed eyes? In Hey Doc! What's Wrong with My Eye, Dr. Barber explains all of these and answers your questions about common vision problems. The effects on the eye of common diseases like diabetes, hyperthyroid, and AIDS are explained. Eye problems of children like crossed eyes and childhood cataracts as well as their treatment are discussed.
Throughout his career Dr. Barber has conducted a private practice of ophthalmology and supervised large public clinics, seeing thousands of patients from all walks of life. While working with all of these patients, he has developed a style of explaining eye disease in terms that can be understood by people with no medical background. Several black and white and full color illustrations, along with an introductory section on the anatomy and function of the eye, help the reader with necessary medical terminology and an understanding of how the eye works.
Dr. Albert W. Biglan, international authority on pediatric ophthalmology, recommends this book for physicians who did not have an elective in ophthalmology during medical school. Ophthalmology office personnel should read this book to understand the ailments of their patients.
This book is now available for purchase at The Penguin Book Shop, Sewickley, PA and Copperfish Books, Punta Gorda, Fl.
The One-Eyed Surgeon with Only One Thumb: Adventures with My Dad
by John C Barber, MD
This book tells of the life of an extraordinary physicians who overcame a teenage hunting accident in which he lost his left thumb and left eye. He worked his way through college at the university of Missouri and medical school at the university of Missouri and Washington University in Saint Louis. Through hard work and diligence, he became an excellent surgeon and medical leader in Central Illinois. The highlight of his career was the two years during World War II that he spent above the Arctic Circle repairing and rehabilitating injured soldiers. After the war, he returned to Bloomington-Normal, Illinois, to become a leader in the medical community. He was from the era of five-dollar office visits and eight -dollar house calls although he was quick to reduce his fees and care for the indigent. He loved to tell stories, so many of his favorites are retold in this book.
This book is available from,, B& and local bookstores
ISBN: 978-1-5434-3914-4 Hard cover
ISBN: 978-1-5434-3913-7 Paperback
